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NBA 2K23 Dimer Badge: Does it speed up your shot?
NBA 2K23 Dimer Badge: Does it speed up your shot?

The Dimmer badge has been a hot topic in the NBA 2K23 community for quite some time. There is a common belief that the Dimmer badge can affect the speed of your shot. However, is there any truth to this claim? In this guide, we will be testing whether the Dimmer badge has any impact on the speed of your shot.

NBA 2K23 Guide: 99 Ball Handle and Hall of Fame Ankle Breaker Combo
NBA 2K23 Guide: 99 Ball Handle and Hall of Fame Ankle Breaker Combo

Are you looking to take your NBA 2K23 game to the next level? If so, you're in luck! In this guide, we'll explore the power of the 99 Ball Handle and Hall of Fame Ankle Breaker combo and how you can use it to dominate the court.

How the Removal of Cheese from NBA 2K23 is Making the Game More Balanced?
How the Removal of Cheese from NBA 2K23 is Making the Game More Balanced?

If you're a fan of NBA 2K23, you've probably heard the news about 2K's bold move to remove "cheese" from the game. In this guide article, we'll explore what this means for the game and how it affects gameplay. We'll also look at what 2K is doing to make the game more balanced and how the average player can benefit from these changes.

NBA 2K23 Guide: Is Speed with Ball a Useful Attribute to Invest In?
NBA 2K23 Guide: Is Speed with Ball a Useful Attribute to Invest In?

NBA 2K23 introduced a new attribute known as Speed with Ball, which measures a player's speed while dribbling the Ball. While some players doubt its usefulness, it can be an important attribute for certain types of players. In this guide, we will explore the relevance of this attribute and whether or not it is worth investing in.

NBA 2K23 Clamp Breaker Badge: Is It Worth it?
NBA 2K23 Clamp Breaker Badge: Is It Worth it?

If you're an avid gamer of NBA 2K basketball games, then you've likely come across the Clamp Breaker badge. It's a defensive badge that can help you defend against ball handlers, making it a valuable asset to any team. But is it worth it? In this guide, we'll look at the testing that went into determining the effectiveness of the badge and the results in 2K23.

How to Maximize the Clamps Badge and Save Points in NBA 2K23
How to Maximize the Clamps Badge and Save Points in NBA 2K23

If you're an avid defender in NBA 2K23, you must know the importance of having the Clamps Badge. This upgrade can give you an advantage in getting more cut-off animations, which can ultimately lead to steals and turnovers. But did you know that you can save points while maximizing this badge? This guide we will show you how to do just that!

NBA 2K23 Inside Defense Guide: Is 85-99 Worth It?
NBA 2K23 Inside Defense Guide: Is 85-99 Worth It?

In this guide, we will discuss the topic of interior defense in the game and find out if 85 to 99 interior defense is worthless. The guide will cover the basics of how interior defense works, how the test was conducted, and the results of the test.

A detailed guide to hand attribute rating in NBA 2K23
A detailed guide to hand attribute rating in NBA 2K23

The NBA 2K23 game introduces a new stat called "hand attribute rating." This article provides a comprehensive guide on the rating, explaining its origin and mechanics. Readers will gain insight into the rating, how it is determined, and how it affects the game. Additionally, tips and strategies for optimizing the hand attribute rating are included for those who want to maximize their gaming experience.

How to deal with hidden latency in NBA 2K23?
How to deal with hidden latency in NBA 2K23?

NBA 2K23 is a basketball simulation game that allows players to enjoy online multiplayer matches. However, players often complain about inconsistent shots and the inability to perform well even after buying boosts or power-ups. This guide will help you understand hidden latency, how it affects your gameplay, and what you can do to deal with it.

How to Avoid Common Mistakes in NBA 2K23 MyTEAM?
How to Avoid Common Mistakes in NBA 2K23 MyTEAM?

NBA 2K23 MyTeam has become a prevalent mode for gamers and basketball fans. With NBA 2K23 MyTeam, players can create their team of players from the past and present, compete in various tournaments and challenges, and build their dream team. However, there are many mistakes that players can make while playing NBA 2K23 MyTeam that can hurt their team. To help you avoid these mistakes, here are the best tips for success in NBA 2K23 MyTeam.

Exploring NBA 2K23's Shot Attributes: How to Create a Perfect Jumpshot?
Exploring NBA 2K23's Shot Attributes: How to Create a Perfect Jumpshot?

In NBA 2K23, shooting is one of the most important aspects of the game. Whether playing in MyCareer, MyTeam, or any other mode, having a reliable jump shot can make all the difference. In this guide, we'll review the different shot attributes in NBA 2K23 and how to use them to create a perfect jump shot.

How to choose the most practical triple-threat animation in NBA 2K23?
How to choose the most practical triple-threat animation in NBA 2K23?

Choosing the right triple-threat animation for your gameplay in NBA 2K23 is essential to ensure you can accurately time your shots. Triple threat animations are players' dribble moves to move the ball around before shooting. By understanding the differences between the various triple-threat animations, you can better time your shots and make the most of your game.

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