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How to get the most out of Customizing core badges in NBA 2K23?

NBA 2K23 offers a fully customizable core badge system that allows players to tailor their builds to their own unique style of play. With the ability to customize the core badges, players can unlock and max out certain badges to give them an edge. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to customize your core badges and provide some examples of builds that utilize this system.


How to get the most out of Customizing core badges in NBA 2K23?


Customizing Your Core Badges

To customize your core badges, you must first reach legendary status. Once you have achieved this, you will receive the ability to customize your core badges. From here, you can select which badges you want to focus on and specialize your build. For example, a center build may focus on defensive badges, while a point guard build may focus on offensive badges.


Deciding Which Badges to Max Out

After customizing your core badges, you must decide which badges to max out. Depending on your style of play, you should focus on offensive, defensive, or playmaking badges. For example, a center build may focus on maxing out all of its defensive and finishing badges, while a point guard build may focus on maxing out all of its shooting and finishing badges. It is important to consider which badges are the most important for your particular style of play.


Example Builds That Utilize the Core Badge System

The following are examples of builds that utilize the core badge system:

  • The 6'11" Center Build - This build is great for protecting the paint and causing havoc on the boards. By maxing out all of its defensive and finishing badges, this build can easily take advantage of its finishing and defensive capabilities.
  • The 6'3" Point Guard Build - This build is great for scoring, as it focuses on maxing out all of its shooting and finishing badges. This build is also great for defense, as it can take advantage of its off-ball pass-stopping ability and its anchoring brace to help stop opponents from getting easy buckets.
  • The 6'8" Point Guard Build - This build is great for shooting, as it focuses on maxing out all of its shooting badges. This build is also great for playmaking, as it can take advantage of its limitless and pro touch abilities to create easy shots for its teammates.


Benefits of Using the Core Badge System

The benefits of using the core badge system are numerous. By customizing your core badges, you can easily tailor your builds to your own unique style of play. This allows you to specialize your builds, which can give you an edge over your opponents. Additionally, by maxing out the core badges, you can unlock and max out other badges, which can take your build to the next level.



The fully customizable core badge system in NBA 2K23 is a great way to customize your builds and specialize them to your own unique style of play. By maxing out the core badges, you can unlock and max out other badges and take your build to the next level. With the ability to customize your core badges, you can easily tailor your builds to your own unique style of play, giving you an edge over your opponents. Follow these steps to customize your core badges and start dominating the court.

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