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How to use the Slippery Off-Ball Badge in NBA 2K23?

Like the Aerial Wizard Badge, The Slippery Off-Ball badge is among the most important shooting badges in NBA 2K23. It can give players a huge edge when getting open for a shot. However, the badge is not well-defined in the game, so here's a detailed guide on properly triggering the Slippery Off-Ball badge and what each level does. 



How to use the Slippery Off-Ball Badge in NBA 2K23?


How to Trigger the Slippery Off-Ball Badge?

To trigger the badge, do an off-ball spin or off-ball juke and then hold the turbo with the left stick. For example, performing an off-ball spin, then holding a turbo, and pushing the left stick in a direction will get the badge to pop. You can also add an all-four juke, hold the turbo, and push the left stick to get the badge to pop. 


Slippery Off-Ball Badge Levels Analysis

You can do the juke move and the spin move at no badge level. Pro turbo push the left stick, and you won't get a huge burst, but you do get the turbo effects, and it's going to give you about 50 free frames, but it's pretty sluggish. 

  • At the Hall of Fame level, you'll get a 24% increase in speed compared to no badge. This is a significant jump, so if you're good at using it, this is the level you should aim for. 
  • At Gold level, you'll get an immediate juke into a burst instead of a duke, run a little, and then burst. This level gives you a 15% increase in speed compared to no badge. 
  • At the Silver level, you'll get an 11% increase in speed compared to no badge. 
  • At the Bronze level, you'll get a 6% increase in speed compared to no badge. However, 90% of the time, you won't get an immediate burst even when you time it correctly. 


Slippery Off-Ball Badge Tips

When using the Slippery Off-Ball badge, make sure to time it correctly. If you don't, you'll get a delayed burst instead of an immediate juke into a burst. Also, if you'll use the badge a lot, try to get it as high as possible. Avoid the Bronze level if you can, as it's hard to trigger the badge at this level. 



We hope this guide helps you better understand how to use the Slippery Off-Ball badge in NBA 2K23. Follow our website for more information, and let us know how you feel about this badge and your strategies for maximizing and optimizing it.

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